Daily Dev Logs / Post

Daily Dev Logs / Post

Snapshot completed

May 28, 2024


📢 Snapshot Completed! 👁

We're excited to announce that the snapshot for our SolEye bot has been completed. As a result, we are no longer accepting beta applications.

Thank you to everyone who joined the beta. Stay tuned for our next announcement!

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Snapshot completed

May 28, 2024


📢 Snapshot Completed! 👁

We're excited to announce that the snapshot for our SolEye bot has been completed. As a result, we are no longer accepting beta applications.

Thank you to everyone who joined the beta. Stay tuned for our next announcement!

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Snapshot completed

May 28, 2024


📢 Snapshot Completed! 👁

We're excited to announce that the snapshot for our SolEye bot has been completed. As a result, we are no longer accepting beta applications.

Thank you to everyone who joined the beta. Stay tuned for our next announcement!

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